Shortage of Japanese Nurses

27 08 2009

Japan is undergoing a shortage of Japanese nurses.  With an aging population, there are more elderly people than young, making it an issue to take care of the elderly.  In the article, it is stated that many Filipinos are being moved to Japan to take care of the elderly.  This concept makes since to me, but in the article it says that a concern is that the Filipinos are taking jobs away from the Japanese.  That part of the article did not make since to me, because if there is a shortage they are just there to help.

Later on in the article, the idea of using robots is discussed.  Robots for medical procedures sounds brilliant, but I do not know if robots are going to be as gentle as the elderly need.  Therefore I do not think this idea would work with today’s technology.

As a side note, moving Filipino nurses to Japan will help the crisis in Japan.  Unfortunately, if too many nurses are moved to Japan. Then there might not be enough left in the Philippines.  Just as outsourcing has cause a problem in the US, moving too many working people out of a country should also cause a problem.



2 responses

2 09 2009
Bill Bartmann

Great site…keep up the good work.

4 09 2009
Bill Bartmann

Cool site, love the info.

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