United States: Current Account Deficit (via Johanne’s Economic IB Blog)

6 12 2010

This is really interesting Jo! It was surprising that the economy changed from surplus to deficit in such a short amount of time. I would have never guessed that it would change that quickly. Since the USA is at 6.4%, is it the worst in the world? I would not have thought that the USA would have the worst deficit since they have one of the largest economies in the world. But anyways, GOOD JOB!!

United States: Current Account Deficit In 2010, the United States’ economy has a current account deficit. Although, the United States’ has not always been in this situation. From the 1980s to around the late 90s, they were in a surplus and were a really strong economy. The current account ranged from 5 billion to 100 billion.  But from the start of the new millennium, their current account started to go downhill, all they way to a deficit of 800$ billion in 2006. As one economy experi … Read More

via Johanne’s Economic IB Blog



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