End of Unit Test for Section 4

8 02 2011

During this test, there are many things I can do to increase my score.  Overall, I got the main idea correct.  I just did not support my argument well enough.  There were many things I could do to strengthen my arguments.  By providing more definitions (I only included 3 or 4 in the first section) and providing real world examples I could support my argument better.  Also, my examples were not detailed enough.  So, when I use more examples, I need to include more depth.  Overall, I think I can approve much between now and the next test.  Thank you Ms. Q for your help and comments on improvement!!

Republic of Congo

1 02 2011

The democratic republic of Congo is a country living in poverty.  They are in the bottom 60 countries in the world.  This developing country is defined developing by four categories.

GDP per capita..

The GDP per capita in Congo is $300.  This places them at the 230 in the list of countries based off of GDP.  That means most countries are much richer than Congo.

High Population Growth…

The population growth is 3.165% which places them at number 10 in the world.  That means compared to other countries, they have a very high population growth.

High Unemployment and Underemployment Rate…

These are not available, however, by the other factors, one can assume it is very high.

Over dependence on Primary Sector…

They dont have many exports at all because there is much corruption in the government.  They are extremely, extremely poor.


This would not be a country to do a seminar on, because there are not enough available statistics.