1:1 Computing

9 09 2009

The 1:1 laptop program at CA in Dr. Anthony’s IB Economics class has been a great way to start off the year.  Using the laptop in class has made me much more efficient.  Letting kids learn using laptops is a new, but great idea. Thanks to all who made this possible, including Dr. Anthony, the school administration, and my parents.

Economy Link

1 09 2009

An extra link I have added to my blog page is to the NYTimes Economic Blog.  I feel this blog will help keep everyone updated on current economic news.  The New York Times in general is full of brand new, useful information, so I am hoping the blog will be just the same.  I have read some of it so far and it is really useful, so I hope it is useful for everyone else as well!

Why I Enrolled in Economics

27 08 2009

Economics is a study of today’s world. While I find history interesting, I would like to study the present for a change. All through school, we have studied history. Whether it be local, worldly, or national, the social studies courses offered have always been about history. I have never had the opportunity to take an economics class, and the subject sounds very interesting. The economy is in a depressive state right now, so it seems like the perfect time to understand what is going on in the economy. I hope that by taking this course I will be able to better understand the economy and be able to solve any financial problems with more understanding.